Just Too Funny!

I met a wonderful lady recently whose son is a Marine Corporal serving in Afghanistan. She, like millions of us is burdened with an imperious, tin-eared, nanny state, myopic Democratic Congressman. In this case, it is Ben Chandler of Kentucky’s 6th District.

Ben refuses to hold town hall meetings and disparages the folks who want to get his ear and demand he vote for their long term interests instead of rubber stamping the Obama agenda. Eunice is fighting back with a wonderful website showing what a dilfarb Mr. Chandler actually is. One of her best works is a craftily photo shopped video demonstrating where her Congressman is when he should be travelling his district listening to the will of the voters.

Just imagine your Senator (Murray for instance?), or Congressman (Inslee, McDermott, Baird, Larson, Smith?) in this clip. Please accept my apologies as I am not nearly as savvy as Eunice, or I would have blatantly copied her work with one of our current Obama sycophants.

You may want to watch this more than once. The sappy music fits the scenes perfectly and you will get a real kick out of where Ben manages to appear in the photos.

It would be wonderful to find a creative computer whiz that could knock something like this out for those of us here in Washington. Email me at oldironjarhead@live.com if you are that person.

Eunice’s website is:




I was preparring to run this as the next post, but Investor’s Business Daily picked it up and ran it in their Monday edition. Please click the link to see it. It is high time someone shout loudly from the rooftops that “The emperor has no clothes!”


We can’t stop this spigot of insanity until 2012, but we can pinch it down considerably if we change control of Congress this November.

Semper Fi,

Jeffrey S. Howard

Changing Gears

I have been writing this blog for 8 months now. The only reason I have done so is to perhaps convince a few voters to agree with me that this upcoming mid-term election is probably the most important one of our lifetimes.

I am concentrating my efforts in a somewhat different direction for the next 2 months. I will not have the time to make regular posts, but will do so when time permits.

I have volunteered to be a Precinct Committee Officer in my neighborhood. The work involves gathering support by contacting residents personally, distributing yard signs, doorbelling with the candidates, and holding small group meetings for folks to discuss the issues and meet the candidates themselves. This work will involve a lot of time and shoe leather, but it provides the opportunity to perhaps turn a few opinions and get out the vote for the general election.

Our nation faces huge problems that have been building for decades and only exacerbated by the present administration and Congress. Debt and entitlement programs are out of control. Inept Foreign Policy is weakening America’s position in the world. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the FHA and VA are still pushing “liar loans” and other subprime instruments to promote social engineering instead of intelligent lending. Each is in dire straights and in the process of failing with huge taxpayer bailouts in the future.

“Taxpayers” are only bearing part of the burden. Our children are on the hook for the rest – $13 Trillion in National Debt, and over $100 Trillion more in unfunded entitlement program liabilities. Our economy is trying mightily to recover, but policies and regulations pushed by an administration of academics and eggheads with no private sector business experience are threatening to tip the economy back into the recession. They are intentionally attempting to balkanize America along race and class lines instead of continuing the healing and progress that has occurred since the Civil Rights Act.

The only way to begin to turn this ship around and save our children’s’ future is to flip control of Congress from the administration to the opposition. That will stop further harmful legislation and defund some that is already on the books.

The quote on my business card is:

“I dedicate my remaining years on earth to preventing our government from squandering the future of our children.”

I mean that, I am committed to that goal, and I will work my tail off to accomplish it. There are 7 little nieces and nephews whom I treasure who are depending on you and me to save them from a future we have to strive to prevent.


New Mosque

So being against the New York mosque plan makes me some sort of a bigot. Well, let’s see: The imam is a mercurial type who refuses to denounce Hamas and says that the US is partly responsible for 9/11. Nobody knows where the money is coming from. 3,000 innocents were murdered in cold blood a couple blocks away by Muslim fanatics. Since that day, numerous attacks have been planned or launched against the American people and our institutions by like minded groups and individuals.

Sure they have a “right” to build the thing, but that beggars the question: “Have they no decency?” Would the families of the American dead at Pearl Harbor been pleased to see a Shinto shrine erected across the bay from the USS Arizona memorial? What about a neo Nazi fundamentalist church next to the Holocaust Museum? Building such a structure where it is planned is a thumb in the eye of every 9/11 survivor, family member, and the thousands in our armed forces who have sacrificed in the effort to defeat the enemies within and without who challenge our way of life. It would be the institutional equivalent of a victory dance, celebrated with great glee by those who hate and wish to destroy America and her way of life.

Most Americans are very tolerant of Muslims and their practice of their religion. However considering the facts below, can we be blamed for being a bit leery about this plan?

There is a small minority of Muslims in the world that have made it clear that they wish to return the world to the 7th century and destroy western civilization as we know it. We try to avoid tarring all Muslims with this vile brush, but we have to wake up and realize that we are at war with a couple million savages. These are barbaric beings that lust for the blood of those they hate and will stop at nothing, stoop to any depth of depravity, and glorify the act of personal suicide to murder and maim innocents of all ages.

What sort of monster sends a woman wrapped in explosives into a religious procession so she can blow herself to bits and kill 40 additional innocents – many of them children? What kind of vitiation drives these subhumans to mutilate the genitals of their women, force them to dress in tarps, treat them as barnyard animals, cut off noses and ears for falling in love, and stone them to death for having been raped? How can “soldiers of Allah” justify holding women and children at gunpoint to use as shields against enemy assaults? What demented interpretation of their Quran could advocate hijacking loaded airliners and crashing them into buildings snuffing out the lives of nearly 3000 people innocently going about their business?

In World War II the world was appalled when Japan sent bombs with human pilots on suicide missions to destroy enemy ships. Now with political correctness tying one arm behind our backs, we ignore or worse yet make excuses for such acts directed against innocent civilians at weddings, markets, mosques, and churches. What excuses will be made when an explosive vest makes a visit to a crowded Starbuck’s near you?

Our government tries to destroy the lives of 3 heroic Navy Seals for punching the perpetrator of a ruthless mass murder and threatens to prosecute CIA interrogators who saved American lives extracting valuable intelligence. The masterminds of 9/11 are promised a federal trial with all the rights of an American Citizen in a public courtroom. Doesn’t anyone remember the Moussaoui trial fiasco? A fanatical mole in a major’s uniform murders 13 fellow soldiers while yelling “Allahu Akbar” and an Army investigation does not even mention his religion. A fresh out of the oven Muslim terrorist is caught trying to destroy a packed airliner and he is Mirandized and given a lawyer instead of being professionally questioned and squeezed for who and how many more are in the pipeline. Heaven forbid a future successful act of terrorism from Yemen, but should it happen; the blood of the innocents shall be on the present administration in Washington.

Our enemies are as evil as any we have faced since the inception of our nation. Pandering to their better nature and appealing for an unclenched fist is dreaming in color, and only telegraphs weakness and indecision. The only thing they understand is a bloody nose. We must continue to take the fight to them and make it hurt at any cost, keep them off balance, and prevent them from finding sanctuary in failed states. The price they have already extracted from this country in lives lost, travel disrupted, and products banned from sale is already exorbitant. If they are allowed to plot, train and infiltrate our open society, we will be held hostage and in fear in our own country. We will be prisoners in our own land.

Defeating these inhuman butchers is the most important priority. It is not health care, carbon legislation, gays in the military, more failed stimulus, or additional federal fingers in education. If this administration does not awaken to that fact soon, their days in office are numbered.

Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President: 

 In today’s dangerous world, we need a President with experience, leadership, and courage. Unfortunately you have shown us little of those traits. Your childhood and younger years denied you the opportunity to grow up as an American man, and that is no fault of your own. Unfortunately, your lack of empathy for and experience of a traditional American upbringing has left you out of touch with those of us who grew up learning the traditions and work ethic of our predecessors. You have never accepted the honor of military service, nor held and survived in any sort of entry level working position. You are bereft of many of the basic building blocks of a true American personality and world view. 

You have never experienced the icy fingers of fear caressing your gut during a firefight when your very survival from second to second depends on your luck, wits, fellow troopers, and the grace of God. You have never sweated out a payroll when your receivables are late. You’ve missed the rewarding feeling of flogging a loaded truck all night to deliver a load 500 miles away at 7:00 AM. You never shoveled cow manure for less than minimum wage to earn enough for a rattletrap car. You missed out on greasing dump trucks on the night shift, and never had the opportunity to start out cleaning restrooms and sweeping floors in a factory. 

 Your education was in the law, and you ignored any opportunity to absorb the lessons of history or the theories of economics. You have never experienced the ecstasy of success or the lash of defeat in the private sector. While you play golf, basketball, and surround yourself with “the swells” enjoying concerts in the People’s House, those of us in the general public dine on Spam and Costco burgers. I can’t put my wife on a 747 and send her to Spain so she can be ready to spend 10 days on Martha’s Vineyard when she gets back. She works 7 days a week and so do I – spreading 4 full and part time jobs between us to make ends meet. 

 I watch in pain while my business venture slides into oblivion and my small IRA erodes as your economic policies push the nation into a double dip recession. This economy is locking up again, and you cannot blame former President Bush. The great construction jobs I created are ending while you pour trillions in borrowed money into the public sector to buy votes. I blame you personally for appointing the ship of fools you have as cabinet officials and advisors for this. You are repeating the gross mistakes of Japan in the ‘90s and the Roosevelt Administration in the ‘30s – both of which failed and lengthened severe economic problems for a decade or more. You are intentionally smothering our private sector with regulations, taxes, and mandates at the same time you squander the wages and futures of our children and grandkids. 

 I deplore your continued efforts to divide the greatest nation of immigrants in the world along race and class lines. Pandering to various groups and attempting to set them against other Americans is demagoguery at its worst. I sincerely hope such actions end up damaging you in the end and not our country. 

 You will leave office with a big pension, Secret Service protection, and gold plated health care for life. I may well end up with 40 years of hard work down the drain, living in a mobile home in the backwoods. I do not resent you for your good fortune – you worked hard to become President and won the election fair & square. I do however despise your policies and the horrendous damage they are visiting on our nation, its economy, and our future. I have dedicated my remaining years to fighting you, your policies, and protecting our children’s futures. 

 I may well end up destroyed financially from the results of your misguided and dangerous actions – but you will never break me psychologically, nor crush my spirit. I am a Marine, I have a wonderful wife and family, and last but not least, I live in the greatest nation in the world. I shall work to my last breath to keep it that way, and you sir, shall fail to destroy that dream. 

Jeffrey S. Howard

Redmond, Washington

Our Children

When these cute little kids get old enough to understand – who is going to explain to them that they were born owing hundred of thousands of dollars to faceless bondholders around the world?

Americans love their children. It makes no difference whether we are liberal, conservative, progressive, independent, or even politically sterile – our children are our hopes and dreams projecting our lineage into the future. At this moment, their future is in jeopardy and our generation has the moral responsibility and imperative to reverse that.

We see a future for our kids on the horizon that we have to change before it arrives. Our entitlement programs – Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid – are spiraling into insolvency. The Federal Budget Deficit has tripled in two years. Our government is mortgaging our kids’ future earnings at an alarming rate and shows no signs of exerting any sanity.

Combining the liabilities of the National Debt at over $13 Trillion at present and the unfunded liabilities of the above mentioned entitlement programs; every baby born today is on the hook for just under $400,000. That, of course, includes every living American of any age. Now we have piled the Health Care Bill on top of all the previous government commitments to entitlement largesse and the long term costs of that are not being truly enunciated. Only time will tell if it will be the final nail in the destruction of our nation’s fiscal stability.

We can no longer sit in front of the TV with 500 channels of sports, porn, and sappy sit-coms and ignore the peril in which we have placed our children’s future. We must awake and realize that piling up unmanageable debt and then dying to escape repayment is nothing short of criminal.

We have to stand up and demand the drastic reform of the entitlement monster before it destroys the opportunity our kids deserve. As individuals we must be strong enough to swear that we will not enroll in any of these programs unless fate and bad fortune leave them as the only way to preserve our lives. We have to get back to the concept that a government handout is not a right – but an insult, and an affront to our dignity. Sure you say you paid in and want your benefits. Too bad the government stole every penny of what you contributed and left the funds empty – it’s GONE! The people we elected over the past half century stole every penny! It is our burden and responsibility to realize the dough is gone and we have to take the hit – not our kids.

Watch that cute clip again and think hard on whether you want to be part of the problem, or part of the solution. Your little loved ones need your involvement now.

Got Jobs?

To paraphrase a well known quote: “A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours.” Two of my friends are out of work and it seems to be a long term deal. Both are highly qualified and experienced. I have personally lost a great night job I held for years and have not been called in to work since August, 2008. How are you and your acquaintances doing these days?

Opportunity in America starts with a job. Without one, there is no security, no earnings or savings, and no satisfaction and self-esteem of contributing to ones future or society. Official unemployment stands at 9.5% and if those who are under employed are added in, it becomes over 17%. Here is a short clip about how onerous regulations hurt the economy. It only touches on a couple of the several items mentioned below:

Do we want our jobs back? – YES! OK, just how can this goal be accomplished?

Business creates new jobs when it expands. Most large firms are sitting on their cash because they are uncertain of the future. In fact – several big companies that have announced expansion plans have been savaged by the stock market recently instead of rewarded. Investors are not confident that growing business is a smart move at this time.

Small business is fighting the combined headwinds of low demand, burgeoning new regulations, and great difficulty obtaining financing. This sector of the economy which traditionally creates the most jobs is stalled.

The Obama Administration has passed or is pushing legislation that has emasculated businesses large and small, putting great fear into owners and investors and hampering economic recovery. If we want our jobs back, these monstrous legislative overreaches must be rolled back. Here they are:

$867 Billion Stimulus: This program borrows nearly a Trillion Dollars from China and others against the future earnings of all Americans. It was promised as a method to initiate “shovel ready” infrastructure work. Instead most has been spent on the state level preserving government jobs.

Health Care: This massive takeover of 1/6 of the entire economy has created unintended consequences of huge proportions. It threatens to crush small businesses’ health plans and drive workers into the government system. The true long term costs to both business and individuals cannot be accurately calculated, and the implied costs were buried deep in the overall effort to pass the Bill.

Financial regulation: The Dodd / Frank legislation supposedly regulates financial practices while ignoring completely the malfeasance at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that contributed so greatly to the 2008 meltdown. Draconian rules and regulations will trickle down to the smallest mom & pop business and stifle initiative and productivity with reams of reporting requirements, paperwork, and red tape.

Cap & Trade legislation: Currently passed in the House and stalled in the Senate, whispers have it that a lame duck session of congress after the November election may pass it in the Senate anyway. This myopic and hysterical “solution” to a problem that has not been proven as fact would saddle business with huge energy cost increases. It would drive literally millions of American jobs overseas in a pen stroke.

Expiration of the Bush Tax Cuts: John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, and George W. Bush all lowered taxes in the face of a recession. All three saw a spurt in economic growth and jobs as a result. The Obama Administration intends to raise taxes at the end of 2010 by allowing the current cuts to expire. Raising taxes punishes investment, expansion, success, and hiring. This scheme is a recipe for prolonging the worst recession in 75 years.

The Obama Administration has caused more damage to the US economy in 18 months than Jimmy Carter managed in 4 years. The only way to have a prayer of turning things around for the better is to change Congress this year so opponents can block funding and implementation of some of the more destructive aspects of the Obama agenda.

For you, your friends, your neighbors, and your children: THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION IN OUR LIFETIMES.

Tone Deaf

According to George Orwell: “Some ideas are so bad, only a highly intelligent person could believe in them.”  It is becoming vastly apparent that the Obama Administration – from the President on down are indeed “highly intelligent” people.  In addition, they seem to be about as tone deaf as a bucket of dirt.  How and why these folks come up with the cockamamie plans and policies they do is indeed a mystery.

Long anticipated, the Department of Justice is suing Arizona over the recent law regarding illegal immigration.  The Administration has turned a deliberate blind eye toward actually securing the border – for blatant political reasons.  In absolute desperation, Arizona makes a law that enables local law enforcement to verify and turn illegals over to the federal agencies.  Instead of taking the positive actions of improving the border situation, Obama condemns the law and initiates legal action against the state.

Between 60 and 70% of Americans support Arizona’s efforts to assist in enforcing federal law.  By blatant groveling for a few percentage points of the Latino vote, the Administration is insulting every American citizen, native born or immigrant.  If this were an isolated incident – a random misreading of the mood of the electorate – it could be forgiven.  Unfortunately and infuriatingly, it is only the latest affront to the will of the majority of Americans.

This morning, another truly odiferous red herring landed in the news.  Obama never liked NASA or the Space Program.  He basically emasculated it by dumping further Moon trip preparation, ignoring Mars planning, and insisting that the Space Shuttle program not be extended.  He wants the money for “free stuff” that buys votes.  Left with a huge organization with little purpose ready to start handing out pink slips, Obama instructs the Director of NASA to initiate a new mission.  Get ready.

NASA Administrator Charles Bolden said in a recent interview that his “foremost” mission as the head of America’s space exploration agency is to improve relations with the Muslim world.

Here is a short clip that accurately describes this scheme:

What kind of warped world view would motivate a US President to task the National Aeronautics and Space Administration with wet nursing and burping a sector of the world that quit contributing to scientific advancement a thousand years ago?  “Daft” is about the best explanation.

These two examples are just what happened today! Such foolishness has been emerging from the White House for 17 months – Stimulus, Health Care, Cap & Trade, Close Gitmo, terrorist trials in New York, abject incompetence on the Gulf oil spill, multi trillion dollar deficits, automaker bailouts, foreign policy gaffes – the list goes on. The only way to slow this acid bath of loopy, half baked, dangerous policies and actions is to vote this November.


It’s late June. School let out a couple weeks ago, the Little League season is in full swing; the days are warm and long. Months of delivering newspapers at five in the morning is about to pay off. The fireworks stands just opened!

Carefully counting out a stack of dollar bills from the drawer, I set out on a well used Schwinn to purchase my treasure – bottle rockets, Zebra firecrackers, whistling chasers, aerial flash bombs, and those wonderful 2” salutes. Back in the neighborhood, boys get together to compare their purchases, trade this for that, and prepare to do some serious pre-holiday testing.

We prefer balloon sticks to punks because we can puff on them and it looks like we are smoking; drawing stares from the adults as they drive by. We range the streets and blocks for hours enjoying the dull thump of a salute dropped down a manhole cover or a bottle rocket launched at a tree full of starlings. No dog or cat is safe from a good scare should we spy it skulking across the road or in a bush. An occasional harsh word from a resident sends us a half block away to resume our ecstasy. By the time the real Independence Day arrives, we are down to about 1/3 of our stock.

Ike is President, the nation is at peace, Detroit is humming and the tailfins get more ostentatious every year. We can hardly wait to become teenagers and dress up to apply for an appearance on American Bandstand. We want to join the Army or Navy the minute we finish high school so we can learn to parachute or ride in a submarine.

Enjoy this catchy little tune from the time that made the Top 40 in both 1958 and 1962 by the same group – The Jamies:

Video Analogy

Take a few minutes and see a video analogy of big government and where we will all be if President Obama continues to get his way:

Watch the debt climb.

See the bureaucrats running their departments.

Observe the few trying to prevent the disaster.

Note the apathy among the dedicated workers.

Witness the tipping point, and the unstoppable aftermath.

Notice the businessmen, stripped of their dignity, thrown into the maw.

Watch how the workers are tossed in immediately after.

Whose children are these – yours, mine, or will they be our grandchildren?

Stalin culled out the thinkers and entrepreneurs and worked them to death in the Gulags. Mao selected the landlords, business owners, and intellectuals and put a bullet in the back of their necks. Obama is not a dictator, and does not have the power to become one. His kinder, gentler way of crippling a free economy is to ostracize, criticize, tax, regulate, and marginalize those who create jobs and write the paychecks.

 “Spreading the wealth around” will soon lead to no more wealth to spread around.