Posts Tagged ‘attorney’

The Anti-Inslees

Here is a little toe-tapper you have probably never heard. The lyrics arrive somewhat late, but you should find them quite cute and cheerful. Please enjoy the music as you learn a bit about our 1st district Congressman:

Jay Inslee is a lawyer. This is not meant as an insult, but with 36% of the House of Representatives lawyers, aren’t lawyers over-represented as our overseers? Just because they are “law makers” does not mean they HAVE to be attorneys.

Mr. Inslee is a career politician with carpetbagger tendencies. He served one term in the early ‘90s in a conservative-leaning district and was bounced out. He then ran for Governor and lost in the primary. Next he ran in the 1st District which was trending liberal and won – barely. He was running against a popular two term incumbent who managed to fall into scandal just prior to the election. A third-party spoiler eroded about 5% of the vote also and Inslee won with under 50% of the total. As is the case for most Congressmen, once he elected, he stayed in power. He has been reelected five times, usually challenged by unknown candidates. Some whispers have it that he may try for Governor again. This guy craves power in a big way. It is now 2010. Do we want to keep Inslee around, or send him back to lawyerism?

The Founding Fathers envisioned “citizen legislators” who would leave their farms and businesses to serve only a term or two. Today we have representatives who latch onto the perks and power of office and cling like leaches in an Asian rice paddy. They will not stop sucking our blood until scorched with a cigarette. That “cigarette” must be public awareness, opposition, and by all means, our votes.

With a voting record rated at 80.7% liberal by the National Journal, Mr. Inslee tends to support taxes, alternative energy, abortion, cap & trade, health care, and just about any new law or regulation that pops up on his radar screen. He loves spending on just about any new program, but votes against drilling, tax cuts, spending cuts, defense, Second Amendment issues, new prisons, and border security.

This site will give you a complete tally of Inslee’s voting record and his position on the Liberal-Conservative continuum:

We have two great candidates running in the primary for the Republican nomination to replace Mr. Inslee. Neither one is, has been, or ever will be a lawyer. Both their websites are listed below. Please take a few minutes to examine each and evaluate their positions on the issues. Either of them would be a grand breath of fresh air compared to Jay Inslee and his constant support of yet more suffocating regulation and increasing taxes. Support whomever you choose in the primary, but let us all really get behind the nominee and take this seat back for the Republican Party.

Our and our children’s futures depend on stopping the Obama Administration’s spiral into national ruin. Cashiering Inslee is a good first step. It is up to us, because the kids can’t vote.

Matthew Burke:

James Watkins: